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Botanical Garden

Right behind VDNKh, there is the largest Botanical Garden in Europe. There are gathered over eight thousands of trees and plants from all over the world in the garden. A significant part of the collection consists of plants from Germany. There are many trees and plants from Europe, Central Asia, the Far East, Siberia, and the Caucasus. There is even a Japanese garden here.

The Botanical Garden in Moscow is so huge that you can walk around it from morning till late evening and get lost several times during this time. In fact, the Botanical Garden is a huge forest in the centre of the modern metropolis. There are several such forests in Moscow. Some of them are quite wild, for example, Timiryazevsky Park. The Botanical Garden is the most managed among all the Moscow forest parks.

Information about the territory, in which the Botanical Garden is located, has been available since the 16th century. Now it is difficult to imagine; however, then these lands were considered far-off Moscow, there were deaf forests full of wild animals. The forests here have always been distinguished by their special beauty: the majestic oaks, lindens, and maples. It is known that even Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich, father of Peter I, loved to hunt in these places.

Now Moscow extends far beyond the Botanical Garden. However, in the Botanical Garden, you can still admire the majestic oaks, lindens, maples, and many other forest beauties. There are also several charming ponds.

For lovers of botany, the greenhouse, in which the conditions of wet forests, tropics, and subtropics are created, was built in the garden. Cascades of pools, waterfalls, and river, and artificial relief, systems of paths, rocks, and grottoes are located inside the hall. With the help of climatic equipment, the conditions necessary for plants, including tropical rain and fog, are created in the greenhouse.

You can walk in the Botanical Gardens for days. It is impossible not to fall in love with it.


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